Faculty History
The Faculty of Arts at its beginning started working with the Department of Fine Art, which was established by the Assembly of Kosovo on July 31, 1973. The Academy start work on December 25, 1973/74.
In the academic year 1975/76 a branch of Musical Art was estabilshed. In the 1986/87 academic year the Academy was transformed into a Faculty of Arts, renamed the Faculty of Arts in Prishtina.
In this context, the establishment of the Academy and later of the Faculty of Arts was the crowning of the many years of successful efforts of the creators of the Fine Arts, Music and Dramatic Arts Sections that operated within the HSC from 1958 until the end of the years. the 80's.
From the academic year 1989/90 a branch of Dramatic Arts was established, initially with the Direction of Acting. Currently the Fakulty of Arts is organised in three departments: Visual Arts, Music Arts and Dramatic Arts
rative, arteve muzikore dhe arteve dramatike që vepronin në kuadër të SHLP-së prej vitit 1958 deri në fund të viteve të 80-ta.
Ndërsa nga viti akademik 1989/90 themelohet edhe Dega e Arteve Dramatike, fillimisht më Drejtimin e Aktrimit. Aktualisht Fakulteti i Arteve nw kuadwr tw Universitetit tw Prishtinws, funksionon në tri departamente: Arte Vizuele, Arte Muzikore dhe Arte Dramatike.
The Faculty of Arts at its beginning started working with the Department of Fine Art, which was established by the Assembly of Kosovo on July 31, 1973. The Academy start work on December 25, 1973/74.
In the academic year 1975/76 a branch of Musical Art was estabilshed. In the 1986/87 academic year the Academy was transformed into a Faculty of Arts, renamed the Faculty of Arts in Prishtina.
In this context, the establishment of the Academy and later of the Faculty of Arts was the crowning of the many years of successful efforts of the creators of the Fine Arts, Music and Dramatic Arts Sections that operated within the HSC from 1958 until the end of the years. the 80's.
From the academic year 1989/90 a branch of Dramatic Arts was established, initially with the Direction of Acting. Currently the Fakulty of Arts is organised in three departments: Visual Arts, Music Arts and Dramatic Arts