Study visit to Vigo, Spain at International Staff Week

05 Korrik 2023

Professors of the Faculty of Arts of University of Pristina, Prof. Dr. Hazir Haziri, Prof. Valton Beqiri, Prof. Blerim Grubi, Prof. Ismet Sijarina, Prof. Bardhyl Bejtullahu, Prof. Asc. Besar Zahiti, Prof. Ass. Dr. Zeni Ballazhi, Prof. Ass. Guri Çavdarbasha and Prof. Ass. Genc Rezniqi were visiting Vigo, Spain, for the International Staff Week, organized by IES Ribiera do Luro, within the Erasmus + program.

During the visit, academic staff got acquainted with the infrastructural and academic capacities of the academic institutions in Vigo.

It is worth to notice that the CARTES consortium held an extraordinary reception for the academic staff from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pristina.  In these meetings, the two sides exchanged their academic experiences as well as ways of cooperation within the framework of Erasmus+.

The hosts presented the spaces of theoretical and practical lectures, in which case they shared their special experience and reflection so that in the future they can deepen this acquaintance with the FA of UP as well as see new ways of cooperation for students and inter-university staff.